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De therapeut

De therapeut

The therapist

Therapeute Alice de Jong

My treatment methods continuous develops over the years and based on various courses and trainings that I attend to. My treatment method looks beyond the places where the complaints (symptoms) manifest themselves.


Since 2010 I am a qualified Physiotherapist and as of 2018 I am also a Cranio (sacral) therapist and from 2017 I am in training to become an Osteopath.


I regularly combine different techniques during a physiotherapy treatment. In this way I accomplish the best result for the person I treat, depending on what their individual needs are.


Deep insight into the complaint and the body is very valuable asset for recovery. If you know where complaints come from and how the complaint is possibly maintained, you will have more insight into what you can do yourself to support the body in its recovery.


  • Physiotherapy bachelor

  • Shoulder course Nexius

  • Reiki I course

  • Medical taping 

  • Whiplash specialism

  • Triggerpoint & dry needling 

  • Low backpain & nerve issues

  • Functional osteopathy (orthonomy) & integration (FOI) training

  • Edema therapy training & manual lymfe drainage

  • Fascia techniques 

  • Cranio sacrale therapy 

  • Cranio deepening "Attachment" issues

  • Cranio deepening 'Dialogica'

  • Cranio deepening 'The brain speaks 1'

  • Cranio deepening 'trauma regulation 1'

  • Training Osteopathy in progress

Holistic vision

Almost every cell renews itself completely within a certain time. At the cellular level, we are a new person every three months, this is the body's self-healing ability. 

In addition, the body is designed in such a way that it can keep itself in balance and regulate itself. As a result of which all processes in the body work together perfectly to keep you optimally in shape.

If the body is out of balance physically, emotionally or due to environmental factors and can no longer compensate, this will sooner or later manifest itself in complaints. 

The symptoms that the body give are often felt as more 'little pains', your weak spot or the well-known complaints that come up the surface again and again during periods of stress. These often manifest themselves in a different area than where the cause lies.

As a therapist or (para) medics it is important to look further than where the complaints manifest themselves. When a therapy looks at people not only locally but also globally, this is called a holistic approach.

The combination of regular physiotherapy, Cranio (sacral) therapy and Osteopathy gives me the opportunity to examine and treat the body in its totality. If you would like to learn more details about a specific therapy, please refer to treatments.

The different therapies that I apply are focused on what your body needs at that specific moment in order to move forward.

Holistische visie
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Oefeningen therapie


Our body has a natural self-healing mechanism which in osteopathy is referred to as a 'self-regulation mechanism'.


This recovery mechanism of the body can be slowed down due to various factors but through the right therapy (stimulus) or finding the right spot, the body gets the correct signals and will recover. With this therapy health is 'turned on' again.


Flow Therapies specializes in Physiotherapy, Cranio therapy and Osteopathy and the combinations of these techniques will give your body the opportunity to restore its natural balance.


The holistic view towards the complaints means that we look at the total profile of the patient examining not only the primary complaint in order to find the source of the imbalance.


The practice

Practice Flow Therapies is located within joined venture of the “Practice Rijksstraatweg” where several disciplines work together on the following therapies:



  • Mensendieck exercise therapy

  • Physiotherapy

  • Osteopathy

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Mesology

  • Cranio (sacral) therapy

In addition to the above therapies, the practice also has a yoga room where yoga classes are given every evening. Are you interested in attending? Then contact me.

When you enter the practise, you will experience a relaxed, modern and friendly warm look that makes you feel at ease right away while zipping a nice cup of tea or a glass of water.

Practice Flow Therapies is easily accessible by public transport with a bus stop right outside and has FREE parking.

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